How to talk about doctors?
Session 4
Word | Interpretation |
internist | diagnosis; internal organs |
gynecologist | female reproductive organs |
obstetrician | pregnancy, childbirth |
pediatrician | infants |
dermatologist | skin |
ophthalmologist | eyes |
orthopedist | skeletal system |
cardiologist | heart |
neurologist | nervous system |
psychiatrist | mental or emotional disturbance |
Session 5
Word | Interpretation |
gynecology | specialty dealing with women’s diseases |
obstetrics | specialty dealing with the delivery of newborn infants |
pediatrics | specialty dealing with the treatment of children |
pedagogy | principles of teaching |
demagoguery | stirring up discontent among the masses |
dermatology | treatment of skin diseases |
taxidermy | stuffing of skins of animals |
hypodermic | under the skin |
epidermis | outer layer of skin |
pachyderm | elephant |
dermatitis | inflammation of the skin |
ophthalmologist | eye doctor |
optometrist | one who measures vision |
optician | lens grinder |
Session 6
Word | Interpretation |
orthopedics | treatment of skeletal deformities |
orthodontia | straightening of teeth |
neuralgia | nerve pain |
neuritis | inflammation of the nerves |
geriatrics | specialty dealing with medical problems of the elderly |
cardiogram | record of heart beats |
cardiograph | instrument for recording heartbeats |
neurosis | emotional disturbance |
psychosis | mental unbalance |
psychiatry | treatment of personality disorders |
Suffix | Meaning |
internus | inside |
gyne | woman |
obstetrix | midwife |
paidos | child |
pedis | foot |
agogos | leading, leader |
demos | people |
derma | skin |
hypos | under |
ophthalmos | eye |
oculus | eye |
monos | one |
bi- | tow |
-ician | expert |
opsis, optikos | vision, sight |
metron | measurement |
pachy | thick |
How to talk about doctors?